On the Nuclear Brink


Location: Virtual

This virtual conference will be held in two sessions:

Part I: Nuclear Round-up
Part II: The NPT: A Disarmament Treaty?

In anticipation of the NPT RevCon, the first panel, "Nuclear Round-up", will explore the possible impact of recent events on the RevCon agenda and on progress toward nuclear arms
control and disarmament.

The second panel, "The NPT: A Disarmament Treaty?", will look at major issues facing the NPT treaty members, with an emphasis on its potential for advancing disarmament in a multipolar world.

Specific issues will include halting the new nuclear arms race, a Middle East Free Zone, the NPT’s relation to the TPNW, implementing commitments to disarmament under TPNW’s Article VI, and movement toward general and complete disarmament as a condition for moving toward nuclear zero under Article VI.