Nuclear Weapons and International Law: The Renewed Imperative in Light of the Ukraine War


Location: webinar

This virtual conference sponsored by the International Section of the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) will address the continuing and heightened risks of nuclear war accentuated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and threats to use nuclear weapons, and related risks of use of such weapons by the United States. Following opening remarks by Ukraine’s Consul General in New York, speakers with a wide range of experience in government, the military, NGOs, academia, and think-tanks will address such subjects as risks presented by nuclear weapons and contemporary geopolitical tensions. Discussion will then proceed to a detailed consideration of the law of armed conflict and other international law applicable to the threat and use of nuclear weapons. The conference will close with a strategy session on how lawyers and others can get involved in addressing issues raised by such weapons and related risks.

Agenda available on the NYSBA website.

Video of this event is now available.

Fordham Law School, Center on National Security
U.S. Air Force Academy, Law, Technology and Warfare Research Cell
Georgetown Law School, Journal of International Law
Catholic Peacebuilding Network
Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy
Global Security Institute