Catholic Korea Peace Forum

- (part of a series)

Location: Paju, Korea, and Hiroshima, Japan

Catholic Institute of Northeast Asia Peace logo

The Committee for the Reconciliation of the Korean People and the Catholic Institute of Northeast Asia Peace (CINAP, Directed by Father Ju-seok Kang) is hosting the 2023 Catholic Korea Peace Forum, the 7th International Conference, from Wednesday, October 25th to Sunday, 29th., 2023 at the Church of Repentance and Atonement in Paju and Hiroshima World Peace Memorial Cathedral. The 2023 theme is "DMZ to HIROSHIMA: The Role of American, Korean, and Japanese Religion for Peace in Northeast Asia." 

Since 2017, the Catholic Institute of Northeast Asia Peace (CINAP) has been hosting international conferences. Due to the Russian-Ukrainian war last year and heightened tensions in the Northeast Asia region, the role of religion in building peace is increasingly becoming more important. We are seeking ways to leverage the global Catholic network to cooperate more closely. Accordingly, the CINAP co-hosted the 2022 International Peace Conference together with the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Korea’s Committee for the Reconciliation of the Korean People (CBCK CRKP) and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Committee on International Justice and Peace (USCCB CIJP). This year’s Forum will further expand the network, with bishops from Korea, the United States, and Japan as well as leading scholars, a visit to the DMZ area, and a peace pilgrimage to Hiroshima, Japan. The participants of this Forum have been working for the peace movement for a long time, especially to build and promote peace in the Northeast Asia region.

2023 Catholic Korea Peace Forum Press Release

2023 Catholic Korea Peace Forum Program

Video and other information is available on the event website.