Statement from Jesuits of Africa and Madagascar

Author: Caesar Montevecchio

In response to the killing of Fr. Victor-Luke Odhiambo, S.J., on November 15 in South Sudan, the Jesuits of Africa and Madagascar have released a statement urging peace and reconciliation in South Sudan. After honoring Fr. Odhiambo's dedication to Christ's mission through education, having served in South Sudan for over a decade, the statement diagnoses the issues of on-going conflict in South Sudan. It states, "The violence in South Sudan is largely attributed to antagonistic competition for power, inter-clan rivalry enshrined in a revenge culture and, most importantly, proliferation of small armsand light weapons. Revenge killings or what some people understand as blood compensation has created unending cycle of violence that has produced millions of orphans and widows who are also looking for an opportunity to revenge." It then concludes with nine points in support of peace in South Sudan and the Jesuits' own dedication to their mission of peace and reconciliation in the country.

Press Statement on the Murder of Fr. Victor Luke Odhiambo