Peacebuilder Interview Series

These video interviews were recorded for Catholic Relief Services as part of a learning module on peacebuilding in the CRS-University Faculty Learning Commons. 

Fr. Emmanuel Ntakarutimana, OP – Burundi, Catholic Bishops' Conference of Burundi; Centre Ubuntu


John Ashworth – South Sudan


Msgr. Héctor Fabio Henao – Colombia, Episcopal Conference of Colombia; Caritas Colombia


Fr. Peter-John Pearson – South Africa, Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference


Fr. Roberto Layson, OMI – The Philippines


Gerard Powers – USA, University of Notre Dame; Catholic Peacebuilding Network


Marie Dennis – USA, Pax Christi International


Fr. Ferdinand Muhigirwa, SJ – Democratic Republic of the Congo, Loyola University of the Congo


Maryann Cusimano Love – USA, Catholic University of America; Catholic Peacebuilding Network


Jean-Baptiste Talla – Africa, Catholic Relief Services


Shamsia Ramadhan – Africa, Catholic Relief Services


Myla Leguro – The Philippines, Catholic Relief Services