
Catholic Peacebuilding Network affiliate structure diagram

The Catholic Peacebuilding Network (CPN) is a global network made up of 24 affiliated partners, including bishops conferences, academic institutions, and humanitarian and aid organizations. The network nature of CPN is central to its identity and mission. The sharing of capacity and experience enabled by network cooperation is vital to effective peacebuilding, allowing best practices and shared wisdom from various actors to be appropriated in the most authentic ways possible in local areas struggling with intractable conflict and violence.

CPN’s work is directed by a Steering Committee of members from affiliated institutions, and served by a Secretariat housed in the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame, part of the Keough School of Global Affairs. 

Though CPN dialogues and collaborates with individuals and organizations from many different backgrounds, CPN's own Vision and Mission develop from a belief that Catholicism, theologically and institutionally, offers distinct assets to the efforts of peacebuilding.

Read about the history of CPN.